Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Farewell My Subaru. (pgs. 50-100)

In pages 50-100 of Doug Fine's Farewell My Subaru, Doug's project takes a dive when one of his goats gets sick.  Doug is forced to make a decision for the sake of his goat that defeats the purpose of his project: purchase goat medication that must be shipped 2000 miles to get to his ranch in New Mexico.  Although Doug disliked the amount of fossil fuels the shipment of the medication consumed, he appreciated the wellness that the medication brought to his goat.  The next step Doug takes to living a "green" life is purchasing a special car that runs on vegetable oil.  Doug drives to Albuquerque in his fossil fuel-consuming Subaru and trades it in at a dealership for a diesel engine Ford F-250 pickup.  Doug's new pickup is then converted at a special car garage into a clean burning, veggie oil truck.  When Doug gets back to his ranch, he searches for local  fast food restaurants for used vegetable oil.  A chinese takeout restaurant gladly gives Doug enough of their used vegetable oil to last Doug for many years.  So far, Doug Fine's humane project is really turning out well, exceeding Doug's and many of Doug's close friends' expectations.  In pages 50-100 of Farewell My Subaru, Doug Fine shows that any average Joe can live an independent life from fossil fuels.

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